The next stage of easing restrictions is here and Sweden is opening up as planned, something we at have been very much looking forward to. This time, not only will reliefs but (to some extent) restrictions be abolished, such as opening hours for restaurants.
Now the regulation of opening hours for restaurants disappears. From 1 July, the restriction on the size of parties at outdoor cafes will also be abolished. Indoors, the maximum size of a party is increased to eight people. Companies should still remember that they still have to sit down and keep their distance both indoors and outdoors.
What applies to restaurants?
Distances of at least one meter between parties continue to apply, regardless of the size of the party and regardless of whether they are indoors or outdoors.
Limitation with the maximum number of parties sitting indoors is changed from a maximum of four people to a maximum of eight people,
The restriction on the size of parties at outdoor cafes is abolished.
Restrictions on opening hours are removed, ie for serving subject to a permit, the serving hours stated in the serving permits again apply.
What applies in addition to this?
Continue to avoid congestion among a lot of people.
The oral protection recommendation is completely abolished in public transport.
Stay home at the slightest symptom of illness for your own safety and the safety of others.
The advice to only hang out in a small circle is adapted. Now, instead, the recommendation is to take infection control measures if you meet people outside your own immediate circle, you do this, for example, by meeting outdoors in small groups and avoiding being close to each other for a long time indoors or in small spaces. The advice to shop alone and to avoid making new contacts when traveling, for example, is also removed. From 1 July, the government will allow more people to participate in public gatherings and public events such as concerts.
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